Practice makes perfect is the statement truly believed by the renowned Musician Smt. Pantula Rama. Any milestone in Music can be achieved undoubtedly through Sadhana or continuous effort. Smt. Pantula Rama is the first female full time scholar to pursue PhD in Music in Andhra University. Her dissertation topic was “Shaping an ideal Karnatic Musician through sadhana”. Her parents are also renowned Musicians. Her father Sri Pantula Gopala Rao is a famous Violin and Mridangam Player. Her mother Smt. Pantula Padmavathi is an eminent Veena Artist. Coming from such a strong Karnatic background, it is of little surprise that she began singing at an age of four.
She learnt music at home from her parents and also pursued violin from Sri Ivaturi Vijayeswara Rao, a well-known Violin Player. Thus, she became proficient in both Violin and Vocal. These days, many young students aspire to become Engineers or Doctors but Rama gave up her seat in medicine to pursue music. She has done B.A in Music in BVK College and completed M.A and PhD in Andhra University. She expresses her gratitude to the then Head of the Department of Music in AU, Smt Gouri Ram Mohan for her support.
As part of her Research work, she met many eminent Musicians like Sri Nedunuri Krishna Murthy, Sri Lalgudi Jayaraman, Sri M S Gopala Krishnan, Sri Dwaram Durga Prasada Rao, Sri N Ramani and so on and understood the dos and don’ts of sadhana. She took into consideration the importance of Sadhana in mythology also. She came to a conclusion that Sadhana does not mean physical effort alone but includes emotional and spiritual aspects too.
Rama staged several concerts through out the country and gave performances in TV and Radio shows too. She received the annual best Karnatic Musician award for the year 1998 from the then Chief Minister Sri Chandra Babu Naidu. Madras Music Academy felicitated her with an “Outstanding Musician Award” in 2006. Her life Partner Sri Srinivasa Narasimha Murthy is also a renowned musician and is employed as top grade Violinist in All India Radio, Visakhapatnam Kendra.
On behalf of BVK Alumni, we are very proud to introduce such an eminent musician and we wish her the very best in all her endeavors.
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